o conopida nu prea mare - 1 small cauliflower
un ardei kapia - 1 red pepper
4 cartofi mici 4 small potatoes
2 morcovi - 2 carrots
2 cepe - 2 onions
3 catei de usturoi - 3 coves or garlic
400 gr mazare din conserva - 400 gr green peas from the can
400 gr lapte de cocos - 40 gr coconut milk
2 liguri de pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 lingurite de pudra de curry - 2 teaspoons of curry powder
sare si piper - salt, pepper
2 linguri de amidon - 2 tablespoons of starch (corn or potatoe)
3 linguri de ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons of olive oil