

Preservation Act 1
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  The Kinks - Holiday in Waikiki / 1966
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The Kinks - Here Comes Flash / 1973

Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.623 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Here Comes Flash


You'd better run, you'd better fly.
Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
Lock your doors and stay inside
Here comes Flash.

There's no way that you can win,
You must obey his every whim,
Or else he's going to do you in.
Here comes Flash.

He will smile at you, be a friend to you,
Then he's gonna screw you just like that.
He is going to use you, his heavies will abuse you,
And then he's gonna lean on you,
Here comes Flash.

He is gonna rough you up,
Duff you up and touch you up,
And then he's gonna screw you up.
Even though he's mean on you,
There's nothing else that you can do
Just sit back and take his abuse.
He will smile at you, be so sweet to you.
Then he's gonna cheat on you.

You'd better run, you'd better fly.
Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
Lock your doors and stay inside.
Here comes Flash.

Once we loved and trusted him,
Now his thugs and bullies make us live in sin.
They suppress us, oppress us, molest us, possess us.

You'd better run, you'd better fly.
Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
And lock your doors and stay inside.

He will smile at you, be a friend to you,
Then he's gonna screw you just like that.

You'd better run, you'd better fly.
Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
And lock your doors and stay inside.
Here comes Flash.

There's no way that you can win,
You must obey his every whim
Or else he's going to do you in.
Here Comes Flash.
Here Comes Flash.


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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