

Preservation Act 1
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  The Kinks - Holiday in Waikiki / 1966
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  The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset / 1973
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The Kinks - Demolition / 1973

Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.436 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Demolition


I spy with my little eye
Anything here that I can buy.
I see a little thatched cottage
Looking so neat
With compulsory purchase we can buy it up cheap.
Then we'll pull up the floor boards,
Knock down the walls,
Rock the foundations,
Until the house falls.
Like a pack of cards,
Crashing to the ground.
Then we'll build a row
Of identical boxes
And sell them all off at treble the profits.

The deeds are in my pocket,
I've got a contract in my hand.
An opportunity for luxury living.
I'll arrange the mortgage
To be repaid a hundred percent.
I can't wait around so make your decision.
We'll buy up all the cottages
And every house and every street,
Until we've got everything we need.
Every town in the vicinity,
Every farm and village green.
We're gonna buy up everything,
Then it's Demolition.
Demolition. Demolition.

Two up, two down,
It hasn't got a garden,
But it's got a lovely patio.
Stainless steel kitchen sink,
Gas fired central heating,
Whaaa -- specifically designed for modern-day living,
Nothing's permanent and nothing lasts,
We've sold all the houses so put 'em up fast.
We're gonna buy up this town
And pull it all down.
How I love to hear the demolition sound
Of concrete crashing to the ground.

It's time to make some money,
It's time to get rich quick.
It's the wonderful world of capitalism.
I've got to make a profit,
I've got to satisfy my greed,
It's my faith and my religion,
Demolition. Demolition. Demolition.
And we'll buy up the towns,
And we'll knock 'em all down
Build a brand new world of our own.


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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