

Preservation Act 1
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The Kinks - Money and Corruption / I Am Your Man 1973

Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.420 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Money and Corruption / I Am Your Man


We are sick and tired
Of being promised this and that.
We work all day, we sweat and slave
To keep the wealthy fat.
They fill our heads with promises
And bamboozle us with facts,
Then they put on false sincerity
Then they laugh behind our backs.

1st Chorus
Money and Corruption
Are ruining the land
Crooked politicians
Betray the working man,
Pocketing the profits
And treating us like sheep,
And we're tired of hearing promises
That we know they'll never keep.

Money and Corruption
(Etc. repeat 1st Chorus above)

Promises, promises, all we get are promises.
Show us a man who'll understand us, guide us and lead us.

We are sick and tired
Of having to ask them cap in hand
We crawl on the floor
We beg for more,
but still we are ignored.
We're tired of being herded
Like a mindless flock of sheep
And we're tired of hearing promises
That we know they'll never keep.

1st Chorus
Money and Corruption
Are ruining the land
Crooked politicians
Betray the working man,
Pocketing the profits
And treating us like sheep,
And we're tired of hearing promises
We know they'll never keep.

We've got to stand together
Every woman, every man,
Because money and corruption are ruining the land.
Show us a man who'll be our Saviour and will lead us.
Show us a man who'll understand us, guide us and lead us.
Show us a man.
Workers of the nation unite.
Workers of the nation unite.
(Mr. Black sings)

I visualise a day when people will be free
And we'll be living in a new society.
No class distinction, no slums or poverty
I have a vision of a new society.
And every home will have a stereo and TV,
a deep freeze, quadrasonic and a washing machine.
So workers of the nation unite.

I am your man
I'll work out a five-year plan
So vote for me brothers
And I will save this land
And we will nationalise the wealthy companies
And all the directors will be answerable to me,
There'll be no shirking of responsibilities
So people of the nation unite.

Union Man I'll work with you hand in hand
For we're all brothers to our Union Man.
I am your man,
Oh God how I love this land,
So join together save the Fatherland.

I visualize a day when people will be free
And we'll be living in a new society.
No class distinction, no slums or poverty,
So workers of the nation unite,
Workers of the nation unite,
People of the nation unite.

Suntem bolnav si obosit
De a fi promis acest lucru si ca .
Noi lucram toata ziua , am sudoare si slave
Pentru a pastra grasimea bogat .
Ei umple capetele noastre cu promisiuni
Si ne pacaleasca cu fapte ,
Apoi au pus pe sinceritate false
Apoi rad spatele nostru .

1 Chorus
Bani si Coruptiei
Ruineaza tara
politicieni Crooked
Tradeaza omul de lucru ,
Buzunare profiturile
Si ne trateaza ca pe niste oi ,
Si ne-am saturat de promisiuni auz
Ca stim ca nu vom pastra .

Bani si Coruptiei
( Etc repeta prima Chorus mai sus )

Promisiuni , promisiuni , tot ce avem sunt promisiuni .
Arata- ne un om care ne intelegem , ne ghideze si sa ne conduca .

Suntem bolnav si obosit
De a avea pentru a le cere capac in mana
Ne tarasca pe podea
Ne cerseasca pentru mai multe ,
dar inca ne sunt ignorate .
Ne-am saturat de a fi manati
Ca o turma fara minte de oaie
Si ne-am saturat de promisiuni auz
Ca stim ca nu vom pastra .

1 Chorus
Bani si Coruptiei
Ruineaza tara
politicieni Crooked
Tradeaza omul de lucru ,
Buzunare profiturile
Si ne trateaza ca pe niste oi ,
Si ne-am saturat de promisiuni auz
Stim ca nu vom pastra .

Trebuie sa stea impreuna
Fiecare femeie , fiecare om ,
Deoarece bani si coruptia ruineaza tara .
Arata- ne un om care va fi Mantuitorul nostru si ne va conduce .
Arata- ne un om care ne intelegem , ne ghideze si sa ne conduca .
Arata-ne un om .
Lucratori ai natiunii uni .
Lucratori ai natiunii uni .
( Domnul Negru canta )

Am vizualiza o zi cand oamenii vor fi liberi
Si vom trai intr-o noua societate .
Nici o deosebire de clasa , nu mahalale sau saracie
Eu am o viziune a unei noi societati .
Si fiecare casa va avea un stereo si TV ,
un congelator , quadrasonic si o masina de spalat .
Deci, muncitorii natiunii uni .

Eu sunt omul tau
Voi lucra la un plan pe cinci ani
Deci, vot pentru mine frati
Si voi salva acest teren
Si vom nationaliza companiile bogati
Si toti directorii vor fi raspunde la mine ,
Nu va fi nici o Eschivarea de responsabilitati
Astfel incat oamenii din natiunii uni .

Uniunea Man ​​Voi lucra cu tine mana in mana
Pentru ca suntem cu totii frati la Uniunea noastra Man .
Eu sunt omul tau ,
Oh, Doamne cum iubesc tara aceasta,
Deci, se alature impreuna salva Patriei .

Am vizualiza o zi cand oamenii vor fi liberi
Si vom trai intr-o noua societate .
Nici o deosebire de clasa , nu mahalale sau de saracie ,
Deci, muncitorii natiunii uni ,
Lucratori ai natiunii uni ,
Oameni ai natiunii uni .


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