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The Rolling Stones - Let It Loose / 1972

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Adaugat de micle 17.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.620 vizualizari

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The Rolling Stones - Let It Loose

Who's that woman on your arm all dressed up to do you harm
And I'm hip to what she'll do, give her just about a month or two.
Bit off more than I can chew and I knew what it was leading to,
Some things, well, I can't refuse,
One of them, one of them the bedroom blues.
She delivers right on time, I can't resist a corny line,
But take the shine right off you shoes,
Carryin', carryin' the bedroom blues.

In the bar you're getting drunk, I ain't in love, I ain't in luck.
Hide the switch and shut the light, let it all come down tonight.
Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger,
Some face you'll never see no more.

Let it all come down tonight.
Keep those tears hid out of sight, let it loose, let it all come down.


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