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The Rolling Stones - Let It Loose / 1972

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Adaugat de elvira 19.06.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.705 vizualizari

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The Rolling Stones - Let It Loose / 1972


* Let It Loose *
(Mick Jagger / Keith Richards)

Who's that woman on your arm
All dressed up to do you harm
And I'm hip to what she'll do give her just about a month or two
Bit off more than I can chew and I knew what it was leading to
Some things well I can't refuse
One of them one of them the bedroom blues
She delivers right on time I can't resist a corny line
But take the shine right off you shoes
Carryin' carryin' the bedroom blues

Oh yeah in the bar you're getting drunk oh yeah yeah
I ain't in love I ain't in luck oh no no no
Hide the switch and shut the light let it all come down tonight
Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
Some face you'll never see no more

Let it all come down tonight
Keep those tears hid out of sight
let it loose let it all come down
let it loose let it all come down ....


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