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How to Remove a Ring That's Stuck on a Finger

Adaugat de moara 26.03.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.831 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
How to Remove a Ring That's Stuck on a Finger

Avoid a trip to the hospital by using these tricks to safely dislodge a stuck ring.

To complete this How-To you will need:

Lubricant, such as hand lotion, petroleum jelly, cooking oil, or soap
Cool water
Dental floss

Step 1: Don't force it

Avoid pulling and tugging too hard, which could cause your finger to swell and make it more difficult to remove the ring.

Step 2: Lubricate your finger

Lubricate your finger and the ring liberally with hand lotion, petroleum jelly, cooking oil, or soap.

Step 3: Work the ring off

Turn the ring around your finger to get the lubricant underneath. Gently work the ring off the finger, turning it as you go.

Tip: Cover the drain if you are working over a sink so that the ring doesn't disappear down the pipe.

Step 4: Bring down swelling

Dip your hand in cool water for a few minutes to help reduce swelling if the lubricants don't work. Elevating your arm can also help reduce swelling.

Step 5: Try dental floss

Wrap dental floss tightly around your finger starting just above the ring. Lubricate the floss and then slip the ring off over the compressed knuckle


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