Ce inseamna sa nu mai fii in siguranta in propria ta tara? In documentarul „Gardienii Adevarului", jurnalistul turc in exil Can Dundar intalneste o femeie care s-a inteles cu cele mai puternice entitati din Mexic: guvernul si cartelurile de droguri.
In Turcia lui Erdogan, Can Dundar este inamicul public numarul unu. Dupa ce a descoperit transporturi ilegale de arme turcesti in Siria in 2015, presedintele a spus ca este un terorist si a cerut personal la inchisoare pe viata pentru jurnalista. Can Dundar a fugit in Germania in urma unui atentat asupra vietii sale in timpul procesului sau. De atunci, el a continuat sa-si apere patria impotriva minciunilor autocratului, promovand libertatea de exprimare din exil.
Dundar o intalneste pe jurnalista Anabel Hernandez, care investigheaza crimele legate de droguri si coruptia in Mexic de mai bine de 20 de ani, publicand numeroase carti si articole pe acest subiect. Ea este cel mai bine cunoscuta pentru evidentierea legaturilor stranse dintre guvern si clanurile drogurilor - cercetari revolutionare care aproape ca i-au costat viata. Din fericire, ea nu era acasa in ziua in care au aparut 11 barbati inarmati pentru a o impusca. Ea a stiut atunci ca va trebui sa-si paraseasca tara natala.
Nu ca nu se intoarce din cand in cand, sub o securitate stricta, pentru a-si continua munca si a-si vedea familia. Can Dundar o intalneste in exil si apoi din nou, in timpul uneia dintre aceste calatorii extrem de periculoase inapoi acasa. El pune intrebarea esentiala: ce o face sa-si asume acest risc urias din nou si din nou?
Mai multe despre What does it mean to no longer be safe in your own country? In the documentary 'Guardians of Truth', exiled Turkish journalist Can Dundar meets a woman who has locked horns with Mexico’s most powerful entities: the government, and the drug cartels. In Erdoğan’s Turkey, Can Dundar is public enemy number one. After he uncovered illegal Turkish arms shipments to Syria in 2015, the President said he was a terrorist, and personally called for a life sentence in prison for the journalist. Can Dundar fled to Germany following an attempt on his life during his trial. Since then, he has continued to defend his homeland against the autocrat’s lies, promoting freedom of speech from exile. Dundar meets the journalist Anabel Hernandez, who’s been investigating drug-related crime and corruption in Mexico for more than 20 years, publishing numerous books and articles on the subject. She is best-known for highlighting close links between the government and the drug clans -- ground-breaking research that almost cost her her life. Luckily, she wasn’t at home on the day 11 armed men showed up to shoot her dead. She knew then that she would have to leave her home country. Not that she doesn’t return from time to time, under tight security, to continue her work and see her family. Can Dundar meets her in exile and then again, during one of these highly dangerous trips back home. He poses the pivotal question: what’s driving her to take this huge risk again and again?
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