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Peter Tosh - Igziabeher (Let Jah Be Praised) 1976

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Adaugat de orlando 10.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.628 vizualizari

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Peter Tosh - Igziabeher (Let Jah Be Praised) 1976


Let jah be praised
Negusa neghast
Let jah be praised
Me don e-ah lamb

Let jah be praised
Let him be praised(3x)

He watereth the hills
From his chambers
And the earth is satisfied
So satisfied
He maketh the grass to grow for animals
Jah made the herb for man(3x)

Fret not thyself
Because of evildoers
Neither be thou envious
Against the workers of inequity
For they shall soon be cut down
Cut down like grass
And they shall wither like corn

Let jah arise
And let all his enemies be scattered
Let them that hate jah
Now scat up shut up butt up and flat up
As the smoke was driven away
Jah, drive them away
As the rocks melted
Let them be melted jah-jah

Let jah be praised
You don e-ah lamb
Let jah be praised
Negusa neghast
Let jah be praised
Let him be praised(4x)

For the fire

I said lightning
Brimstone and fire

Weakheart scat up shut up flat up and butt out
I feel it
Weakheart feel it
Kill them dead before them spread...


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