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Peter Tosh - Whatcha gonna do / 1976

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Adaugat de orlando 09.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.818 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Peter Tosh - "Whatcha gonna do" 1976 original

Legalize It is an album by Peter Tosh. It was his debut album as a solo artist. The album was recorded at Treasure Isle and Randy's, Kingston, Jamaica in 1975 and released in 1976.

When the album was first released, it featured a marijuana-scented sticker.

* Peter Tosh, born Winston Hubert McIntosh (19 October 1944 -- 11 September 1987) was a reggae musician who was a core member of The Wailers who then went on to have a successful solo career as well as being a trailblazer for the Rastafari movement.

Peter Tosh was born in Petersfield, Jamaica with a father and mother too young to take care of him. He grew up raised by his aunt, speaking out for those who could not fight for themselves. Nicknamed 'Stepping Razor', he began to sing and learn guitar at a early age inspired by the American stations. After an illustrious career with The Wailers and as a solo musician, he was murdered at his home during a robbery


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