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Elvis Presley - Wearin' That Loved On Look / 1969

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Adaugat de haga 29.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.725 vizualizari

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Elvis Presley - "Wearin' That Loved On Look" 1969

Elvis Presley - Wearin' That Loved On Look
Elvis' voice is clear and magnificent with fiery energy.

Recorded: 1969/01/13, first released on "From Elvis in Memphis"
(Words & Music: Dallas Frazier/ A.L. Owens)

Lyrics, versuri:
I had to leave town for a little while,
You said you'd be good while I'm gone,
But the look in your eye dun told me you told a lie,
I know there's been some carryin' on.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

The ash trays are all full of ashes,
The floor needs a touch of the mop,
There's a man downstairs with a long bushy hair,
He said your party was a three day rock.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

Baby if you ever loved me,
Then Bonnie and Clyde loved the law,
Well a bird can't fly and I don't like apple pie,
And trees won't grow in Arkansas.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

I had to leave town for a little while,
You said you'd be good while I'm gone,
But the look in your eye dun told me you told a lie,
I know there's been some carryin' on.

Well - Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look,
Yeah - Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look
Yeah - Baby


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