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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Jazz/simfo


Keith Jarrett -Long As You Know You're Living Yours 1974

Adaugat de coloana 30.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 979 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ein bisschen Jazz, jetzt in voller Lange: Mein Lieblings-Keith-Jarrett-Stuck =)

wikipedia about steely dan's gaucho: "Another lawsuit dogged the band, this time regarding the title track for the album. Jazz composer Keith Jarrett claimed that the song had been based on one of his own compositions, entitled "Long As You Know You're Living Yours". Fagen later admitted he'd loved the song and was strongly influenced by it.[29] Jarrett sued for copyright infringement and eventually settled for a sum of approximately one million dollars, the deal stipulating that Becker and Fagen keep the songwriting credit. Fagen later told the press that maintaining their reputations as songwriters was an important factor in the decision to settle for such a substantial sum. "


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