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Bob Dylan - Man Gave Names To All The Animals 1979

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Adaugat de corul 28.08.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.451 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

He saw an animal that liked to growl,

Big furry paws and he liked to howl,

Great big furry back and furry hair.

Ah, think I'll call it a bear.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

He saw an animal up on a hill

Chewing up so much grass until she was filled.

He saw milk comin' out but he didn't know how.

Ah, think I'll call it a cow.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

He saw an animal that liked to snort,

Horns on his head and they weren't too short.

It looked like there wasn't nothin' that he
couldn't pull.

Ah, think I'll call it a bull.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

He saw an animal leavin' a muddy trail,

Real dirty face and a curly tail.

He wasn't too small and he wasn't too big.

Ah, think I'll call it a pig.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

Next animal that he did meet

Had wool on his back and hooves on his feet,

Eating grass on a mountainside so steep.

Ah, think I'll call it a sheep.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, in the beginning.

Man gave names to all the animals

In the beginning, long time ago.

He saw an animal as smooth as glass

Slithering his way through the grass.

Saw him disappear by a tree near a lake . . .


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