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Bob Dylan - You're No Good / 1962

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Adaugat de victoria 04.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.869 vizualizari

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Bob Dylan - You're No Good

Albumm:Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan / anul 1962



Well I don't know why I love you like I do
Nobody in the world can get along with you.
You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lion's den
I come home last night you wouldn't even let me in.

Well sometimes you're as sweet as anybody want to be
When you get a crazy notion of jumpin' all over me
Well you give me the blues I guess you're satisfied
An' you give me the blues I wanna lay down and die.

I helped you when you had no shoes on your feet, pretty mama
I helped you when you had no food to eat.
You're the kind of woman I just don't understand
You're takin' all my money and give it to another man.

Well you're the kinda woman makes a man lose his brain
You're the kinda woman drives a man insane
You give me the blues, I guess you're satisfied
You give me the blues, I wanna lay down and die

Well you give me the blues, I wanna lay down and die.


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