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Billy Joel -If I Only Had The Words (To Tell You) / 1973

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Adaugat de zorba 04.04.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.451 vizualizari

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Billy Joel - If I Only Had The Words (To Tell You)


If I only had the words to tell you
If you only had the time to understand
Though I know it wouldn't change your feelings
And I know you'll carry on the best you can.

If I only had the urge to tell you
If you only knew how hard it is to say
When the simple lines have all been taken
And the radio repeats them ev'ry day.

If I never find the song to sing you
If you always find it hard to comprehend
Well, you know there wouldn't be much meaning
If I had to sing those tired words again.

Life goes on and on
And tonight will soon be gone
But if we try we can be sure.

If I only had the words to tell you
If you only had the time to understand
But I only have these arms to hold you
And it's all that you can ask of any man.

La la la la, la la la la

If I only had the words to tell you
If you only had the time to understand
Oh, but I only have these arms to hold you
And it's all that you can ask of any man.


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