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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Rory Gallagher - Who's That Coming? / 1973

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Adaugat de coco 30.06.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.535 vizualizari

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Rory Gallagher - Who's That Coming?


Tell me, who's that coming?
Not walking, but running.
Cool as the mountain breeze.
Well, that song she's humming,
Could make my guitar start strumming.

Tell me, who's that speaking?
To make my heart start beating.
Really wanna make it pound.
Well, those words she's saying,
Could make even the devil start praying.
On his knees down upon the ground.

She's always had just what it took,
To read me like I was an open book.
There's something burning deep inside of me,
And she's the only one who can set me free.

Tell me, who's that coming?
Not hitching or thumbing.
Walking straight at me.
Well, I sure am grinning,
Yeah, she's the one..and,
I guess she'll always be.

Tell me, who's that coming?
Not walking, but running.
Cool as the mountain breeze.
Well, that song she's humming,
Could make my guitar start strumming.

She's always had just what it took,
To read me like I was an open book.
There's something burning deep inside of me,
And she's the only one who can set me free.
Awhhh..that's right.

Who's that coming?
Who's that coming here?
Who's that coming?
Who's that coming?
Who's that coming?
Is that you?
Is that you?
Well, tell me, is that you?
Tell me, is that you?

Who's that coming?
Who's that coming?


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