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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Metallica - Where the Wild Things Are / 1997

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de Mircea 23.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.223 vizualizari

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Metallica - Where the Wild Things Are


So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world

Steal dreams and give to you
Shoplift a thought or two
All children touch the sun
Burn fingers one by one
By one

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war

Big eyes to open soon
Believing all under sun and moon
But does heaven know you're here?
And did they give you smiles or tears
No, no tears

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war

You swing your rattle down
(Hand puppets storm the base
Flags up now cannons rage
Hand puppets storm the base)
Call to arms the trumpets sound
(Flags up now cannons rage
All clowns head for the rear
Slingshots fire to the air
All clowns head for the rear)
Toy horses start the charge
(Slingshots fire to the air
Slip into the edge of death
Crossfire to the marionettes)
Robot chessmen standing guard
(Slip into the edge of death
Crossfire to the marionettes)
(all together)
We shall never surrender

All you children touch the sun
Burn your fingers one by one
Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war
Off to war
Off to war

So close your little eyes


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