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Bryan Ferry - Where or when / 1999 Live

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Adaugat de alexandra 04.02.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.871 vizualizari

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Bryan Ferry - Where or when 1999

Versuri cantec:
It seems we stood and talked like this, before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when
The clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore
The smile you are smiling you were smiling then
But I can't remember where or when
Some things that happened for the first time
Seem to be happening again
And so it seems that we have met before
And laughed before, and loved before
But who knows where or when

Some things that happened for the first time
Seem to be happening again
And so it seems that we have met before
And laughed before, and loved before
But who knows where or when


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