

Encouraging Words
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  Black Sheep - Woman Back Home / 1975
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adaugat de femeia
  Black Sheep - Encouraging Words / 1975
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  Black Sheep - Payin' Yer Dues / 1975
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  Black Sheep - The Change / 1975
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  Black Sheep - Payin' Your Dues / 1975
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  Black Sheep - Shauna / 1975
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  Black Sheep - No Worry No Pain / 1975
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Black Sheep


Black Sheep - When It All Makes Sense / 1975

Adaugat de femeia 01.04.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.380 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Black Sheep - When It All Makes Sense


Alright for the good times
The few I can recall
I weathered the bad times
Can't count them all
For pain and for pleasure
I found out neither lasts
My song for good measure
I'll try and make it fast

When the moon is alone in the sky and weeping
And the one you love lies beside you sleeping
That's when it all makes sense

I know what you're thinking
The expression on your face
You say this boy's lost his mind
He's given up the chase

When the moon is alone in the sky and weeping
And the one you love lies beside you sleeping
It's when it all makes sense


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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