

Encouraging Words
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Black Sheep


Black Sheep - Encouraging Words / 1975

Adaugat de femeia 01.04.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.323 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Black Sheep - Encouraging Words


There've been times when I¹m feeling so tall
I can look anybody right in the eye
But I won't forget my friends
They helped me when I fall
When I was wondering how I'd ever get by
without encouraging words
Everybody needs 'em
Encouraging words
Just count on me

Now you're much too fine to see ya spend the night alone
Is there a reason, a reason you're so shy
I won't play games with you woman
Just want to take you home
So lets get movin' before the sun lights the morning sky

Just give me one encouraging word
One's all I need
Encouraging words just count on me

Now I won't get you in trouble
But if your daddy gets crazy
I be gone on the double
But I'll leave you with a feeling
That's got to hold true
And that's encouraging words
Can make a man like me
Fall in love with a woman like you
Yeah ­ a woman like you

Now I won't get you in trouble
But if your daddy gets crazy
I be gone on the double
I'm gonna leave you with a feeling
That's got to hold true
And that's encouraging words
Can make a man like me
Fall in love with a woman like you
Encouraging words, encouraging words
A woman like you
A woman like you
A woman like you


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