

Cosmic Wheels
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  Donovan - Cosmic Wheels / 1973
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adaugat de Alexandra












Donovan - Only the Blues / 1973

Adaugat de Alexandra 12.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.730 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Donovan - Only the Blues


When you wake up in the morning
And can't seem to raise your head
You sit staring in the teacup
At the egg upon your bread

And the life that you are living
Doesn't seem to be quite real
You have only what the lonely
call the blues

When you're feeling tired and weary
With your eyes cast to the floor
For a loved one who has left you
On a bleak and distant shore

You may think you're being picked on
But you are not the first
To have only what the lonely
call the blues

There are no rules to follow
No advice to take
You're the only one who can give
Yourself a shake

Someone will appear
To dispel all your fear
In a funny unexpected way

Then you'll wake up in the morning
With a smile upon your face
And you'll look out on the world
And see it is a happy place

With no memory of misery
You will soon forget
You had only what the lonely
call the blues


La la la la ....

You had only what the lonely
call the blues
You had only what the lonely
call the blues
You had only what the lonely
call the blues


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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