

Cosmic Wheels
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  Donovan - Cosmic Wheels / 1973
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adaugat de Alexandra
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  Donovan - The Intergalactic Laxative / 1973
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  Donovan - I Like You / 1973
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  Donovan - Only the Blues / 1973
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  Donovan - Appearances / 1973
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  Donovan - Yellow Star / 1973 live
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  Donovan - Sailing Homeward / 1973
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adaugat de Alexandra
  Donovan - Sailing Homeward / 1973 live
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adaugat de Alexandra












Donovan - Maria Magenta / 1973

Adaugat de Alexandra 12.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.640 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Donovan - Maria Magenta


Maria Magenta
Scarlet OHara
Henna ma honey
You are the one
My silver moon lady
She like a choir boy
Hair all a-cloudy
And flying and real

A halo a sky gold
A moon on the water
A scuddy go cloud go
Aroundy the sky bowl
Henna ma honey
You are the one

My copper go-go-girl
She like a show girl
Delightful Dolores
Ma Anna Belinda
Rain on the Window
Maggie yer reggae
You move me along

A halo a sky gold
The moon on the water
A scuddy go cloud go
Aroundy the sky bowl
Henna ma honey
You are the one

(Instrumental break - 16 measures)

A halo a sky gold
Moon on the water
A scuddy go cloud go
Aroundy the sky bowl
Henna ma honey
You are the one


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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