

Side Trips
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Kaleidoscope - Come On In / 1967

Adaugat de suzy 22.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.165 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kaleidoscope - Come On In


Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Well I'll give you some meat, I'll give you some bread
Have you had this there's a great big bed
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me

Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Well it's cold outside and you're over eighteen
I've got some edged bummers that you've never seen
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me

Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Take off your shirt and put it on the chair
Take off your shoes and give your feet some air
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me

Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Your mummy's sleeping and just there's too much
And something baby for you and me to do
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me
Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me


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