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Kaleidoscope - Keep Your Mind Open / 1967

Adaugat de suzy 22.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.616 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kaleidoscope - Keep Your Mind Open


Flowers bloom and there is day and wind and trees and tides
Yet across the sea men know not why they have died..
Still love remains, in some strong heart, keep your mind open

War is fought with men like chess no consequence of lives
And the only sound that's heard is that of weeping wives
Still love remains, in some strong heart, keep your mind open

Flowers bloom and there is day and wind and trees and tides
Yet across the sea men know not why they have died
Still love remains, in some strong heart, keep your mind open


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