

George Harrison
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George Harrison - If You Believe / 1979

Adaugat de orly 31.12.2013  Adauga la favorite 2.136 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
George Harrison - If You Believe


You can worry your life away with
Not knowing what each new day may bring to you
Or take each day as it goes on
Wake up to the love that flows on, around you.

If you believe - if you believe in you
Everything you thought is possible, if you believe . . .
If you believe in me . . .
All your love's reflected back to you
When you believe.

Too many troubles you can't control
To get you falling into the holes they dig for you
Get up - you have all your needs; Pray
Give up - and it all recedes away from you.
If you believe - if you believe in you

Everything you thought is possible, if you believe . . .
If you believe in me . . .
All your love's reflected back to you
When you believe.


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