

George Harrison
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George Harrison - Faster / 1979

Adaugat de orly 31.12.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.214 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
George Harrison - Faster


Chose a life in circuses
Jumped into the deepest end
Pushing himself to all extremes
Made it - people became his friend

Now they stood and noticed him
Wanted to be a part of it
Pulled out some poor machinery
So he worked 'till the pieces fit

[The people were intrigued
His wife held back her fears
The headlines gave acclaim
He'd realized their dreams]

{Faster than a bullet from a gun
He is faster than everyone
Quicker than the blinking of an eye
Like a flash you could miss him going by
No one knows quite how he does it but it's true they say
He's the master of going faster}

Now he moved into the space
That the special people share
Right on the edge of do or die
Where there is nothing left to spare

Still the crowds came pouring in
Some had hoped to see him fail
Filling their hearts with jealousies
Crazy people with love so frail



No need to wonder why
His wife held back her fears
So few have even tried
To realize their dreams

No one knows quite how he does it but it's true they say
He's the master of going faster


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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