

Better Than Home
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  Beth Hart ‎- Better Than Home / 2015
1.433 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Beth Hart ‎- Might As Well Smile / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- Tell 'Em To Hold On / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- Tell Her You Belong To Me / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- Trouble / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- St. Teresa / 2015
1.312 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Beth Hart ‎- St. Teresa / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- We're Still Living In The City / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- The Mood That I'm In / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- Mechanical Heart / 2015
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  Beth Hart ‎- As Long As I Have A Song / 2015
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Beth Hart - St. Teresa / 2015

Adaugat de MARCU 01.02.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.416 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Beth Hart - St. Teresa / 2015


St. Teresa
I heard you're coming to town
Your little footsteps
Make the sweetest sound
They come to put me down
Come to put me down down down
Mother is it ok if I call you mama?
My own walked away when I broke the law
And standing on the bridge
Feeling like falling
Would you pray for me mama?
St. Teresa
Have mercy on my soul
The good must die young
That's why I'm getting so old
They come to put me down
They come to put me down down down
Mother is it ok if I call you mama?
My own walked away when I broke the law
And standing on the bridge feeling like falling
Would you pray for me mama?
I was never good at confession
Never really that good at anything at all
And they don't want me hanging around the mission
Singing hallelujah
Singing hallelujah
St. Teresa
Could I kiss your skin?
Come a little closer
To this hell I'm living in
When they put me down
When they put me down
Mother is it ok if I call you mama?
My own walked away when I broke the law
And standing on the bridge
Feeling like falling
Would you pray for me mama?
Would you pray for me mama?
Would you stay with me mama?
And keep singing hallelujah


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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