

If You Can΄t Lick ΄Em
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Ted Nugent - Can't Live With 'Em / 1988

Adaugat de video 01.02.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.959 vizualizari

Nota film: 4 / 5 (1 vot )
Ted Nugent - Can't Live With 'Em

Albumm:Ted Nugent ‎– If You Can't Lick 'Em... Lick 'Em / anul 1988


It was hit and run when ya took my heart away
Nothin' you could do to change my mind
Nothin' you could say to make me stay
Here I go alone, into the night

I can't live with ya
I can't live without your love
I can't live with ya
I can't live without your love

You terrorize my dreams at night
I crave your touch to chase my blues away
And nothin I could say to make ya stay
Here I go again, into the night

I can't live with ya
I can't live without your love
I can't live with ya
I can't live without your love

I try and try to change my mind
There ain't much hope
Now ain't no time
The situations got the best of me
Awwww yup....

Nothin' I could say
To make me stay
Here I go again
Into the night
Here we go baby...

I can't live with ya, can't live without you
I can't live with ya, can't live without you
Can't live with ya, can't live without you
Can't live with ya, can't live without you


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