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Nazareth - Light Comes Down / 1998

Adaugat de orly 11.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.124 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Nazareth - Light Comes Down

Albumm:Nazareth - Boogaloo / anul 1998

Hard Rock, Blues Rock


When the light comes down
We're gonna cuddle up close
Gonna paint this town
We're gonna rub their noses
Hey mama - wanna know
Why I'm never lonely?
Wanna know
Why I'm never sad?

When the night comes out
And the sandman rides
We're gonna sing and shout
I'm gonna take you places
Hey mamma - then I'll show you
Why you'll never be lonely
Then you'll know
How you'll never be sad

On your marks with the sun still pouring in
Hold steady 'till we're ready for the evening
Gettin' set, for a ride all around the town
Then you take me where you wanna go

On your mark with the sun still pouring in
Hold steady 'till we're ready for the evening
Gettin' set, take a ride all around the town
Then you tell me where you wanna go

When the light comes down
We're gonna button up tight
And lose this daytime frown
We're gonna smile all night long
Hey mamma - and I know
That you'll never be lonely
Wanna show you
That you'll never be sad

When the light comes down
We're gonna cuddle up close
We're gonna paint this town
We're gonna rub their noses

Baby when the light comes down
Yes when the light comes down
Baby when the light comes down
Yes when the light comes down
Yes when the lights come down
When the light comes down


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