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Nancy Sinatra - Kind Of Woman / 1972

Adaugat de coca 24.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.665 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Nancy Sinatra - Kind Of Woman


Well, I'm a sweet smelling, truth telling, city dwelling kind of a woman
Looking for a slow walking, sweet talking, hungry kind of a man
Well I'm a wine drinking, fast thinking, eye winking kind of a woman, justa lookin' for a cool headed, unwedded serious kind of a man
Well I'm no man's lady if your no lady's man, so come and get me baby.... If you can, hmm, If you can...
I'm an icebreaking, painstaking, marry making kind of a woman, yeah looking for a big hearted,uncharted, vulnerable kind of a man.. yeah I am..
Well I'm an eyecatching, back scratching, doorlatching kind of a woman, just a lookin' for a love craving, coolshaving, courious kind of a man
Well I'm no man's lady if you no lady's man, so come and get me baby, if you can, oh yeah, if you can...
Well I don't want a knight in armour who would be untrue or a rich old man who needs love too no juvenile delinquent trying to learn what to do, just need a good man to carry me through
I'm a hardbusted,long lusted, maladjusted kind of a woman
looking for a good lookin', slow cookin, powerful kind of a man
Said I'm a big eyed, soft eyed, qualified kind of a woman
Looking for a hard riding, time binding, animal kind of a man
Well I'm no man's lady If your no lady's man, so come and get me baby, hmm if you can, oh yeah if you can
Come on! If you can...


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