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Marianne Faithfull - Oh Look Around You / 1965

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Adaugat de camil 22.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.432 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Marianne Faithfull - Oh Look Around You


Oh, look around you,
Tell me what do you see ?
Do you see the yellow morning
And the green land so free ?"
"Oh no, I see no morning
But lands of dark and grey
And they tell me the green land
Has long gone away,
Has long gone away."
"Once more look around you,
Tell me what do you see ?
Do you see the clear wave laughter
And the deep blue sea ?"
"Oh no, there is no sorrow
Where the laughing tree stood
And they tell me the blue sea
Has long turned to blood,
Has long turned to blood."
"No more look around you,
Say no more what you see.
But give me your cold hand
And lay beside me.
And there, oh my darling,
You will never worry
And we, like the others,
Will forget in our sleep,
Will forget in our sleep."


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