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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Kim Wilde - Who's to Blame / 1990

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Adaugat de lorena 22.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.350 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Wilde - Who's to Blame


Just like in a dream
I'm trying to scream
But no-one can hear me when I call
I feel paralysed
Unable to cry
While watching the world around me fall

Heard it on the news today
What are we doing to our world
There's got to be a better way
And we've got to choose it

And while we destroy
Our children will grow
Not missing the things they'll never know
A crime against them
Against you and me
A crime against all humanity

Heard it on the news today
What are we doing to our world
There's got to be a better way
And we've got to choose it

Don't you know that a day will come
To everyone
When they'll ask us to explain
Are we going to say that we weren't to blame
Who else could there be

Just like in a dream
I'm trying to scream
I feel paralysed
Unable to cry
What are we doing

Heard it on the news today
What are we doing to our world
There's got to be a better way
Or we're gonna lose it

Who's to blame?


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