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Kim Wilde - Don't Say Nothing's Changed / 1986

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Adaugat de lorena 21.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.662 vizualizari

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Kim Wilde - Don't Say Nothing's Changed


Don't say nothing's changed with you
I can hear it in your sighs
The way that you can't look me in the eyes
It's spelling out bad news

So don't say it's the same we two
No I can't say I'm suprised
'cos I could see it in your eyes
And no you don't have to lie
Baby you don't have to lie

Why can't it be like yesterday
The feelings gone
But I just want to say that I love you know
And I'm holding on for you
Is that a silly thing to do

So don't say nothing's changed with you
Now we're running out of time
And I've got to give up something that was mine
Oh baby doesn't it seem cruel

So don't say it's the same we two
'Cos we're already worlds apart
And now the lonliness will start
Oh boy you're breaking my heart
Baby you're breaking my heart

So don't say nothing's changed with you


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