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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Kim Wilde - The Thrill of It / 1986

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Adaugat de lorena 21.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.655 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Wilde - The Thrill of It


Thinking about what a friend just said
You know nothing good comes easy
You took the thought right from my head
You only seem to tease me

Then you turn - it on again
Then you turn - me on again
Then I learn the answers
To all my questions
Now something's taking over

It's the thrill of it, the thrill of it
It's the thrill of it - turn me on
It's the thrill of it
Can you feel it
The thrill of it
It's taking me over

Now what am I supposed to do
You know it can't go on much longer
Everytime when I'm near you
You know the feelings so much stronger

Then you turn - it on again
Then you turn - me on again
Then I learn the answers
To all my questions
Now something's taking over


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