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Kim Wilde - Tuning In Tuning On / 1981

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Adaugat de kafka 19.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.189 vizualizari

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Kim Wilde - Tuning In Tuning On


Cruising 'round there's a sound with a place to go
Tuning in tuning on like a radio
Fell the sound in your head and you set the seal
I believe it's a force of the life you feel - Tuning on

Do you know what the sounds that you hear will find
Reach to space to the stars and another time
I believe that they search like a seed to grow
In the end it's the same anyway you go

I really can't explain
I really can't explain

Crashing out for the last and the final time
Could a sound and a soul travel on combined
From the womb to the end is it everywhere
Feel the beat of my heart and you know it's there

I really can't explain


I really believe that sound reaches infinity, do you know
what I mean. I think it goes on and on forever, and if that's
true and it was linked to the spiritual side of your lives, well,
then sounds could be alive. Can you imagine the possibilities
for the future ? Linking the soul and the sound and then
being able to make a giant spiritual musical machine, actually
a part of us and not just something you hear - it's fantastic -
it's just fantastic


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