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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Chicago - Hard To Say I'm Sorry / 1982

Adaugat de silvia1 19.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 810 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Chicago - Hard To Say I'm Sorry


"Everybody needs a little time away."
I heard her say,
"From each other."
"Even lovers need a holiday.
Far away, from each other"

Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay
After all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to
And after all that's been said and done
You're just the part of me I can't let go (Ooo ooo)

Couldn't stand to be kept away
Just for the day
From your body
Wouldn't wanna be swept away
Far away, from the one that I love

Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to know

Hold me now
I really want to tell you I'm sorry
I could never let you go
After all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to
And after all that's been said and done
You're just the part of me I can't let go

After all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to

You're gonna be the lucky one

When we get there gonna jump in the air
No one will see us 'cause there's nobody there
After all, you know we really don't care
Hold on, I'm gonna take you there


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