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Joe Cocker - You Can't Have My Heart / 2002

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Adaugat de marcus 17.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.391 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Joe Cocker - You Can't Have My Heart


You can keep that diamond ring
Take it down town and find out what it will bring
You can ask me to give you almost anything, oh yeah
All except my heart

You can't have my heart,
I'm takin' that with me
Somebody else might want it
You broke it almost constantly
So you can't have my heart

I will not be true to you
I won't wait till you decide what you're gonna do
You can change your mind but it's too late this time
So give me back my heart

You can't have my heart,
I'm takin' that with me
Somebody else might want it
You broke it way too frequently
Now you can't have my heart

I'm takin' that with me
Somebody else might want it
You broke it almost constantly
Now you can't have my heart

I don't care anymore
Why you act the way you do?
I won't be there anymore
I won't even be thinking about you
Don't you know?Aaaaaaaaaaaa.......

I'll take the future, baby
You can have the rest, oh yea
So give me back my heart

You can't have my heart,
I'm takin' that with me
You really didn't want it
You broke it almost constantly
Now you can't have my heart

I'm takin' that with me
Somebody else might want it
You broke it almost constantly
Now you can't have my heart

You can't have my heart,yea baby
Oh no,yea girl,
You can't have my heart
Baby,oh no,oh no
You can't have my heart


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