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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Joe Cocker - Shocked / 1982

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Adaugat de paloma 12.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.561 vizualizari

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Joe Cocker - Shocked


I had no warning, came this morning
Don't believe what I see
An empty bed and a note that read
You got new company

Chorus :

I was shocked when you left
Cut to the quick
Shocked when you said that it's over now
I still remember how you made that final vow

I was blown up, I picked my phone up
Operator said to me
Just save your dime, nobody on the line
Call back later if you please

Chorus x 1

I've been told there's a thorn in every rose
O,I've been told there's a thorn in every rose
I sure found out, I'll found out

Guitar Solo :

I remember when I first met you
And you wouldn't let me see
What you wrote down now it's going round
Well the news came secretly

I was shocked when you left
Cut down to the quick
Shocked when you said that it's over now
I still remember how you made that final vow
Cause I was shocked


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