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Nazareth - Gloria / 2008

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Adaugat de orly 11.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.292 vizualizari

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Nazareth - Gloria


I had it all
Or I thought so anyway
And then there came the day
When I knew I'd been deceived
It was tailor made
The hole I'd dug myself
That morning they came knocking
'Couldn't blame nobody else
You make mistakes
Then you make them all again
And find yourself deserted
By the people you called friends
All it takes
Is for one deal to go bad
You're signing your confession
As they take all that you have
And all this years spent sitting here
Waiting to be free
My day has come
And I can finally see
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
I've dreamed of waking
Up beyond that wall
It looks like I might make it after all
There's a kid in here
Reminds me of my son
I watch him with the others
When they laugh about what they've done
So many ways
To impress one so young
The day they let him out of here
He's gonna find himself a gun
I tried to say
Tried to make him understand
Fear is not respect
And it won't make a boy a man
Oh you make them all again
It seems that I offended
One of those godforsaken men
In all these years spent sitting here
That last thing that I see
Is a baby face
With a blade that's made for me
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
I guess some things were
Never meant to be
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
Gloria -ah -ah -ah -ah
So open up that gate and
Welcome me
My spirits flown
And I'm finally free
Finally free... Yeah!


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