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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


J.J.Cale - Ain't Love Funny / 1994

Adaugat de charles 08.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 859 vizualizari

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J.J.Cale - Ain't Love Funny


She brings me flowers from the waterwell
She keeps me laughing all day
We ride on a horse to the river and back
Ain't love funny, funny it's funny
Aint' love funny that way
She calls in the evening to tell me she's back
She likes to talk on the phone
Would I come over and just rub her back
Ain't love funny, funny it's funny
Ain't love funny you know
This woman's touch, it is too much
Tingles right to the bone
FThHer hand's so slight with a wink in her eyes
Keeps me comin' back home
She gives everything expects no return
She's always there when I'm down
Love her a day, don't go away
Ain't love funny, funny it's funny
Funny when it comes around
We go on for hours about nothin' at all
We never know what it means
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not
Ain't love funny, funny it's funny
Funny it's just what it seems


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