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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Nazareth - Somebody to Roll / 1976

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Adaugat de orly 04.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.931 vizualizari

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Nazareth - Somebody to Roll

Albumm:Nazareth - Play 'n' the Game / anul 1976


Goin' out, got some time to use
Baby, baby, baby, I just can't lose
Truckin' round from town to town
Got to get my rocks off the ground
Going up, I've been down so long
All I need is just one good song
Take me out of this dead end gig
Get my shot at some of the big
If you want to rock
If you want to rock
You got to find somebody to roll
I just signed my life away
The record company's got to pay
Got to chase that billboard bullet
Nothin' left but to go out and do it
If you want to rock
You got to find
If you want to rock
You got to find somebody to roll
Somebody to roll
Goin' out, got some time to use
Baby, baby, baby, I just can't lose
Truckin' round from town to town
Got to get my rocks off the ground
If you want to rock
You got to find somebody
If you want to rock
You got to find somebody to roll
Somebody to roll

Hard Rock


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