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Santana - Breaking Out / 1985

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Adaugat de kafka 29.12.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.421 vizualizari

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Santana - Breaking Out

Albumm:Santana - Beyond Appearances / anul 1985

Versuri/ text:

Standing in the valley of indecision
Trying to make some sense out of
A strange condition that we see
I've gotta find a way out 'cause
Nobody would listen
So I turn my back and now I'm
On my way

Breaking out...I'm on my way
Breaking out...
Breaking out...I'm on my way
Breaking out...

I hear the things thy tell me but
I don't believe it...
Gotta find a place where I can
Breathe and just be me...
Gonna shake up the world
Into a new position
Now I'm letting you know that
I am on my way...

Repeat Chorus

I can't stop this feeling deep
Inside of me
Now I finally see the reason
In my heart I know it's not
Some fantasy...
When I lift my eyes up to the


It's a brand new day, but it
Seems like an old one
People playing games, but it's
No game I want to play
They tried to hand me the dice
But I knw they were loaded
So I turned my back and now
I'm on my way

Repeat Chorus


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