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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Santana - Night Hunting Time / 1982

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Adaugat de mihail 30.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 815 vizualizari

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Santana - Night Hunting Time


-Drunk all the whiskey
But I still can't get no rest
Brain trapped on a roller coaster
Got a pain in my chest
Cold water on my eyeballs
Send a shiver up my spine
Hit the street in the wee wee hours
This is the night hunting time

Don't know what I'm doing here
Don't know what I'm doing here
Got to get my senses clear

Stumble in off the footpath
Heard the sounds from below
Get accustomed to the darkness
Got to take it real slow
Sweat streamin' down my cheekbones
Smoke stingin' my eyes
Walls drippin' like the jungle
But this ain't no paradise


Stumble up to the counter
Catch the tension in the air
Black Sabbath drive a young boy crazy
This ain't no frivolous affair
Young girl sipping Pernod
Budy hunger in her glance
No stoppin' when it comes to doin'
The Heavy Metal Romance



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