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Ash - Cherry Bomb / 2001

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Adaugat de nancy 29.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.666 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ash - Cherry Bomb


Teenage queen, a sweet gamine
Immortal youth, a libertine
Is she real or just a dream
My heart beats fast like benzedrine
Every time that she walks by
Sends shivers down my spine
Makes me want to die

She is out there on her own
Perfection in her chromosomes
She walks by I need to know
Her blood red lips as soft as snow

Every time that she walks by
Sends shivers down my spine
Makes me want to die

She's a cherry bomb
She's a bullet in my head
Pull the trigger and I'm dead
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah

When she walks across the floor
Electric shock and my heart is raw
Is she real or just a dream
My heart beats fast like benzedrine
Every time that she walks by
Sends shivers down my spine
Makes me want to die

Oh yeah, she's a cherry bomb
She's a bullet in my head
Pull the trigger and I'm dead
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
She's a cherry bomb
She's a bullet in my head
Pull the trigger and I'm dead
She's a cherry bomb
Dream about her in my bed
Pull the trigger and I'm dead
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah


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