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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


David Bowie - Because You're Young / 1980

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Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.314 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
David Bowie - Because You're Young


Psychodelicate girl - come out to play
Little metal faced-boy - don't stay away
They're so war-torn and resigned she can't talk any
What are they trying to prove?
What would they like to find?

It's love back to front and no sides - like I say
These pieces are broken - like I say
These pieces are broken
Hope I'm wrong but I know

Because you're young - you'll meet a stranger some night
Because you're young - what could be nicer for you and it makes me sad
So I'll dance my life away
A million dreams, a million scars

He punishes hard - was loving her such a crime
She took back everything she said
Left him nearly out of his mind
They're people I know - people I love
They seem so unhappy - dead or alive

It's love back to front and no sides - like I say
These pieces are broken - like I say
These pieces are broken
Hope I'm wrong but I know

Because you're young - you'll meet a stranger some night
Because you're young - what could be nicer for you and it I'll make me sad
So I'll dance my life away
A million dreams, a million scars
A million
A million scars
A million
A million dreams
A million
A million
A million
A million
A million


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