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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


David Bowie - Kingdom Come (Tom Verlaine) / 1980

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Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.312 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
David Bowie - Kingdom Come (Tom Verlaine)


Well I walked in the pouring rain
And I heard a voice that cries
"It's all in vain"
The voice of doom
was shining in my room
I just need one day
somewhere far away
Lord I just need one day

Well I'll be breaking these rocks
And cutting this hay
Yes I'll be breaking these rocks
What's my price to pay?

Well the river's so muddy,
but it may come clear
And I know too well what's keeping me here
I'm just the slave of a burning ray
Oh give me the night,
I can't take another sight
Please, please give me the night


Sun keeps beating down on me, wall's a mile high

Up in the tower they're watching me hoping I'm gonna die

I won't be breaking no rocks
I said "I won't be breaking no rocks"

(I won't be breaking no rocks)
(I won't be breaking no rocks)
(I won't be breaking no rocks)
When the kingdom comes


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