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Laura Marling - Your Only Doll (Dora) / 2008

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Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.291 vizualizari

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Laura Marling - Your Only Doll


I fell into the street
Poison in my veins
Clamber to my feet
And into the night again
Back to my home
Back to my owner
Who screams at my tardiness,
Put his hands to the sky

And says:
'What can I do, with a girl
If she refuses to be mine?'

In his bed I am queen
Unobtainable me
Sexual being
Human with feelings
The two are not me
The two will not be mine

And what can you do
With a girl, if she
Refuses to be mine?

Put his hand on my shirt
Hand on my face
Head to the wall
When you've broken your only doll

And what will you do
With a girl
If she refuses to be alive?

And you've broken your only doll
And what will you do with a girl
If she's refusing to be alive?

(Skip to 5:03 for "Alas I Cannot Swim")

Lyrics for "Alas I Cannot Swim";
Theres a house across the river
But alas i cannot swim
and a garden of such beauty that the flowers seem to grin
theres a house across the river
but alas i cannot swim
I'll live my life regretting that i never jumped in

theres a boy across the river
with short black curly hair
he wants to be my lover and i want to be his peer
theres a boy across the river
but alas i cannot swim
i never will get to put my arms around him.

theres a life across the river
that was meant for me
instead i live my life in constant misery
theres a life across the river, but i do not see
Why i should please those who will never be pleased

there is gold across the river, but i don't want none
there is gold across the river, but i don't want none
Gold is fleeting, gold is fickle, gold is fun.
Gold is fleeting, gold is fickle gold is fun.
There is gold across the river but i don't want none
i would rather be dry then held up by a golden gun
Saying work more earn more live more, have more fun
Saying work more earn more live more, have more fun
Saying work more earn more live more, have more fun


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