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Laura Marling - Failure / 2008

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Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.331 vizualizari

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Laura Marling - Failure


He used to be a singer in a rock & roll band,
He would write the songs & I would tremble at his hand,
But oh lala,
He lost poetic ethic & his songs they were pathetic,
& he's a failure now.

& he used to be the life & soul of everyone around,
You'd never catch him looking up & never see him down,
But oh lala,
He couldn't raise a smile, not for a while,
& he's a failure now.

Don't cry child,
You've got so much more to live for,
Don't cry child,
You've got something I would die for.

& if it comes to the rain just be glad you will smile again,
Because so many don't & so many go unamed.

& people walk right past me shouting their exclaims,
The prechear pushes me aside & asks to wash my sins,
I said no lala,
If he made me in his image,
Then he's a failure too.

& I used to need a couple people keep my head down,
Now I need a whole lot more to keep me on the ground,
But oh lala,
I gave up something & I gave it up for nothing,
& I'm a failure now.

Don't cry child,
You've got so much more to live for,
Don't cry child,
You've got something I would die for,
& if it comes to the rain just be glad you'll smile again,
Cause so many don't & so many go unamed.


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