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Laura Marling - Tap at My Window / 2008

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Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.034 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Laura Marling - Tap at My Window


He taps at my window
Willing that I let him in
I don't think I will though
My heart's taken, I won't tell him again.
Maybe I'll write him a story
And maybe I'll fall asleep in his arms.
Maybe I'll wake up lonely and fallen away again.

And until you calm me down
Race around this town
Trying to find, oh, an emotion you cannot deny.
I will not have him treat me this way.

And Mother, I blame you.
With ever inch of the being you gave
For I have become you,
And I know every part of your game

And Father, I love you
But how can you watch as I push her away?
I cannot forgive you for bringing me up this way.

Maybe I'll write them a story
And maybe I'll fall asleep in his arms.
Maybe I'll wake up lonely and fallen away again.
And until you calm me down

I race around this town
until you calm me down
I race around this town
Trying to find, oh, an emotion you cannot deny
I will not have them treat me this way.

So tap at my window,
Maybe I might let you in.
I don't think I will though,
My heart's taken, I won't tell you again


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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