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M2M - Our Song / 2000

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Adaugat de victoria 20.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.794 vizualizari

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M2M - Our Song


Mmm yea
Oh nobody hoo hoo

I'm lying in my bed all alone
Called you once again
No one is home
It's raining outside
On Saturday night
Turning out the light
Again I try

My friends say I'm too good
Too good for you
And maybe that is true
Well I don't care
What do they all know?
They got it all wrong
This is so unfair
They're playing our song.

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by
I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain
And harder to climb.

-Dialing tone
-Phone Rings
After tonight, you're on your own

Something's going on
What is wrong?
I want you to be here
Why don't you come?
And spend sometime with me
Can't you see?
How we come undone
Is this the end of our song?


How do I deal with how I feel?
How to reveal ooh what is real love
As another day fades away
So I say


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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